General information to comply with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

  • Company name: Integra Media Digital S.L.
  • Registered address: C/ Azorín, 140-Bajo. San Andrés del Rabanedo, León (Spain).
  • Contact: email:; telephone: +34 987 17 06 22.
  • Registration data: Inscription in the Mercantile Registry of León, volume 1.091, sheet 46 section 8, page number LE-17363, 1st inscription.
  • CIF: B24542755.


All the contents of the website are the property of Integra Media Digital S.L. or it has a licence for their use, and in any case, they are protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations.

The unauthorised reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of the content of this website, whether owned by Integra Media Digital S.L. or transferred to it by a third party, is prohibited. References to trademarks, trade names, logos or any other distinctive sign used on this website imply the prohibition of their use without the express written consent of Integra Media Digital S.L. or the third-party owner. The use of this website does not grant any right over said trademarks, trade names, logos or any other distinctive sign used on the website.

Under no circumstances will Integra Media Digital S.L. be held responsible for the improper or inappropriate use that a third party may make of the content of this website, nor for any consequences that may arise from such use.

Integra Media Digital S.L. reserves the right to exercise all judicial and extrajudicial actions that may correspond to it in defence of its legitimate interests and in protection of intellectual and industrial property rights.

Legislative Royal Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, recognises the holder of the rights recognised therein the possibility of requesting the cessation of the unlawful activity of the infringer and demanding compensation for the material and moral damages caused. Such compensation includes not only the value of the loss suffered by Integra Media Digital S.L., but also the expenses incurred in obtaining reasonable evidence of the commission of the infringement that is the subject of the legal proceedings. It should also be noted that the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights may constitute a criminal offence, entailing significant financial penalties and even prison sentences.

Integra Media Digital S.L. Quality Policy  

INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L. is a company dedicated to providing advanced services in various industrial sectors at national and international level:

– “Development and design of web pages. Digital marketing services, search engine positioning and social networks”.

As an instrument of application of its Quality Policy, it adopts a Management System in accordance with the strategic policy of the company, according to the reference standard UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015. It also establishes the periodic control of the Management System, through quality audits, according to the reference standard, to finally obtain official recognition by an accredited certification body.

As a continuity to the trajectory of INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L. and to respond to the expectations of its customers and other stakeholders, the Management promotes the Quality present in all its activities aiming at:

  • The continuous improvement of the management system and the performance of its activities in terms of quality.
  • The satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders focused on the optimisation of resources, good internal management, respect for legal obligations and quality assurance of its services, which will be achieved through planned actions for prevention, detection, correction and continuous improvement.

In this sense, the Management of INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L. establishes the following guidelines and commitments:

  • To know our clients and other stakeholders, their needs and expectations, to ensure from the beginning of each contract that the specifications are feasible and that all the staff involved in its development and execution knows and understands them.
  • Embrace the need for continuous improvement in our products and services, our processes and our working conditions. Maintain contact with customers and other stakeholders to collaborate in the continuous improvement of the service.
  • To assure customers and other stakeholders that the products and services offered and provided are safe and reliable and that they comply with requirements, specifications and/or applicable standards.
  • Establish working systems aimed at preventing potential failures, not just detecting and resolving them.

The Management of INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L. will ensure the proper implementation, performance and continuous improvement of the effectiveness and capacity of the Management System to achieve the expected results in all areas and activities of the organisation, providing the necessary resources.

The specific Quality objectives are part of the general objectives of INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L., which are defined every year and are detailed in specific plans or programmes for their achievement, with the definition of the people responsible for them, the deadlines and the necessary means to achieve them.

The implementation of this Policy is the responsibility of all members of the company, starting with the Management. In order for it to be understood, applied and kept up to date, the Management undertakes to disseminate it so that everyone in the organisation or related to it, at any level, has the necessary information and training to enable them to carry out their activities in accordance with the provisions of the Management System.

INTEGRA MEDIA DIGITAL S.L. Management as of February 2022.